The only thing better than soccer is everything else

Soccer is unique. It's the only sporting event, outside of the Special Olympics, where the fans are tougher than the professional divers, I mean actors, I MEAN ATHELETES!

China's star midfielder, Sum Fuk King Gy being fouled. He's a tough competitor though and has already scored two goals in this years World Cup.

The Italian team running one of their most important team oriented soccer drills.

Swedens own Byorn Fatnugly in yesterdays 2-2 tie against England.
12:08 PM
PHM is ,HERE!!!
PS - Of course I'm not going to publish comments ripping me for "pimping" my blog here. And can't y'all find a new word? I've had 20 people tell me that already. Haul out a thesaurus, dopes!!!
1:08 PM
I put a link to your blog on my page cause it's sooo funny!
4:38 PM
rofl - this post sure helps explain the world cup!
6:10 PM
Sure thing, dude. Let's swap links.
6:56 AM
However, I do gotta admit that when I saw the name of the blog, I assumed that it was comment spam.
10:15 AM
senor cheeseburger sucks.
11:21 AM
Soccer is GAY. Please correct your blog at once.
6:58 PM
Hold on Butchieboy,
8:15 PM
This just in... Maybe Soccer isn't so gay afterall.
Women readers be warned, male readers rejoice... I give you world cup body-paint chicks:
I got to give it to Ms. Ghana (never thought I'd ever say/write that before).
Ms. USA looks like no American I've ever seen... she's the ugliest one! Damn media bias! What do you guys (and girls) think?
9:35 PM
I give it to Ms. France!
9:53 PM
uhhh, china wasn't in the worldcup..... but just the same, this shit is funny....
9:55 AM
Great site lots of usefull infomation here.
7:38 PM
Bjorn, asswipe, not Byorn.
12:38 PM
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