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Thursday, October 12, 2006

I'm working...

...and it sucks.

I shouldn't complain because I'm making $20/hour for doing nothing, and it IS just a temp job until my real job starts, but I swear it is boring as hell. You have no idea. Or maybe you do... Does anyone else stare at a computer screen ALL DAY LONG??? Probably. Maybe I should stop bitching and paint something...

This is me at work:

This is the opposite of me at work:

Any questions?


Blogger Beatnik said...

I got one. Where does one apply for the cool job?

6:35 AM

Blogger High Power Rocketry said...

I stare at a computer screen all day for free. Thats worse.

2:03 PM

Blogger M said...

thank god for imaginations.

2:27 PM

Blogger Margaret said...

That Adam's Apple tells a lot about you. Wow Sr. Cheeze! Wow!

6:46 PM

Blogger Deepak Gopi said...


4:16 AM

Blogger idk... said...

SC... you can put this pic on your Myspace now!!

did you ever get a myspace yet anyway?

2:03 PM

Blogger Butchie said...

You should get that same tattoo.

11:35 PM

Blogger none said...

Can I have a look at her minky now?

6:38 AM

Blogger Senor Cheeseburger said...

you mean her baginer?

5:30 PM

Blogger Senor Cheeseburger said...

Drea: Men above the age of 22 should not have Myspace pages. They should remain the exclusive property of highschool girls and 20-something's who dress like they are in high school... Because those girls can do anything they want as far as I'm concerned

8:08 PM

Blogger Butchie said...

I have a myspace page, but I only use it for stakling.

10:03 PM

Blogger Benny said...

Hi I've just added you to my links, now it's your turn, here's my blog:

6:14 AM

Blogger Jon the Intergalactic Gladiator said...

Think maybe you could pour a pitcher of cool water down my chest sometime?

I mean in an appropriate social situation, of course. Like if I just ran two or three blocks and I was all sweaty and stuff and all the other runners were getting ptchers of water poured on them. You know, something classy like that.

4:03 PM

Blogger Senor Cheeseburger said...

If everyone else is doing it I'd definitely do it... Doing what everyone else does is pretty much my philosophy on life.

6:22 PM

Blogger none said...

I'd do it - and her, and yes, her baginer.

2:43 AM

Blogger Shelli said...

That's what I do all day, only I wonder why the hell I come home and get on here?

Then again, it's hard to complain when you get paid 55k a year.


5:59 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Check it out

1:27 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, if it wasnt for myspace Id never get anyone at gigs anywhere further than 60miles form where I live.

9:10 PM


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