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Friday, September 15, 2006

Pardon me while I have a TOTAL NERDGASM

Ok. Now which one's your favorite and why?


Blogger Senor Cheeseburger said...

I was always a big Raph fan myself.

9:33 AM

Blogger Aprendiz de Viajante said...

Very interesting... and you my friend... have a lovely face!!! :)))

I enjoy your blog, will be back

Kiss from Azores

3:56 PM

Blogger Margaret said...

Ralph was cool, but Splinter was a wise old sage. I think he lives under my house now.

7:52 AM

Blogger High Power Rocketry said...

That is dope. But none is also my answer. Splinter "Spleeentaaar" is the best. Shredder is pretty crazy too, and brain is the pimp boss of all bosses top capo don.

8:08 PM

Blogger Senor Cheeseburger said...

You are all SO wrong.

The list is as follows:

1) Raph
2) Donnie
3) Leo
4) Mikey

Everyone knows that! Only 4 year olds think Michaelangelo is cool. Everyone over 5 knows that he is just a marketing ploy to get kids to buy the toys clothes and pizza. like, duh.

1:11 PM

Blogger High Power Rocketry said...

Come to think of it, I hated pizza until one day after school in 3rd grade... Now I dont even enjoy it. I have to eat pizza every day just to feel normal. I am such a 'za junky.

1:13 PM

Blogger Jaye Wells said...

Why the hell were they all named after Renaissance artists? I know the TMNT are artists of the kung fu, but I never got the name thing.

2:16 PM

Blogger Senor Cheeseburger said...

Because Master Splinter found an old Art book while roaming through the sewers after escaping from his cage (after his ninja masters assassination by his hated ninja rival for the hand of his lover)and stowing away aboard a ship headed to the United states. DUH!

It's unclear though if he found the book before or after he found four baby turtles crawling through the green ooze which mutated them into the half human/half turtles we know and love today... Afterall, what would a non-mutated rat (splinter became mutated after handling the baby turles covered in ooze) want with a book!?!? Hahahahaha... I'm such a loser...


2:21 PM

Blogger Jon the Intergalactic Gladiator said...

They're ninjas, don't worry they're probably more scared of you than you are of them.

12:45 PM

Blogger concerned citizen said...

my kids used to love that shit. All the names were asinine, esp. those two goons, "Be-bop" & "Rock Steady" what did they just pull those names out of their ass?

8:29 PM


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