Letting You Into My World
Letting you guys into my world here. This is me all dressed up for an interview Yes, I am that good looking. See, I just got myself a graduate degree that cost a lot of money and that
none of you would believe I actually have so I won't even mention it... Thing is, I don't want a job in this field, I want to be a FRIGGIN NINJA.
But it's so damn hard to break into the Ninjitsu field. Think about it, first you have to actually find a ninja which is like, pretty much impossible... I mean they're FRIGGIN NINJA'S! Hiding is pretty much "their thing." Second, you would have to approach one quietly enough so that you don't give away his position, but not so quietly that he mistakes you for an enemy and totally flips out and stabs you in the face with his poison tipped, glow in the dark, throwing nunchaku's. (trust me, they exist)
But don't take it from me, take it from this guy, a REAL NINJA who sent me this video from an undisclosed location after receiving my resume:
Ask A Ninja: Ninternship